Sunday 5 June 2011

22nd May 2011
Been heading down to Swanpool for regular visits to check out how the 2 pairs of swans are.There is one family wth Cygnets, orginally 9 they now have 6. The mother has been agressive towads any passsers by and bread feeders due to the fact she has the Cygnets with her

Male Mute Swan
Cygnus olor

Cygnet munching on some bread

The Family - 120mm Bronica

Mother and babies
20th May 2011
Falmouth Cemetery

Garden Spider
Araneus diadematus

This little guy had a web-full of dandelion seed head rather than any tasty insects.

5th April 2011
Red Admiral
Vanessa atalanta

21st April 2011
Baby Field Grasshopper

Chorthippus brunneus

19th April 2011
Heligan Gardens

Great Tit

Parus major

Common Pheasant
Phasianus colchicus

Grey Squirrel
Sciurus carolinensis

Red Admiral
Vanessa atalanta

Fringilla coelebs


I went on a visit to the famous ost gardens of Heligan with my parents whilst they visted Cornwall. It was a warm sunny day in late April. At the gardens they have a purpose built hide looking over a medow and a pond with lots of bird feeders. Many finches, Pheasants and other birds were used to cmoing close to the hide and it was a relaxing place to be able to watch them interact. The Pheasant males were fighting due to it being mating season.I liked photographing the doves because they were so graceful, i think the last image captures this well.

17th April 2011
Fowey, Cornwall

Common Pheasant (male)
Phasianus colchicus

2nd March 2011
Trebar Gardens

Common Earth Worm

Common Toad (infant)
Bufo bufo